Tuesday, April 20, 2010


The Chinese taxi driver, who took us to collect our rented car, explained that after 9 years in NZ, he has just brought his Chinese wife over so they can now have more than 1 child. Anyway we decided to go to the Coramandel Peninsular &, after passing a breathalizer outside Auckland , made our way West to this fantastic area.We visited & walked through autumnal forests, where the trees and shrubs are like in a botanical gardens, & then had a fabulous tyul to Cathedral Cove (close to where Cooke landed). The South Pacific really is a royal blue colour! We are now in the thermal resort of Rotorua -geysers,boiling mud pools & Maori culture.
Hag Sameah!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not Naomi, but I'm using her google account to write to you. I hope your train journey was as lovely as you hoped and look forward to hearing more about your trip. Stephen and Esther got stuck in England and could not get to the conference where Steven was presenting a paper, in Nice. They are back in Auckland now.

    Just given them your blog details so they can see what you thought of the Auckland community.I don't think they are too impressed with it, anyway. xxx
